Call for Abstract

34th Experts Meet On Cancer Research & Therapy, will be organized around the theme “Innovations and Integrations: Advancing Cancer Research and Treatment for a Global Impact”

CANCER THERAPY MEETING 2024 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in CANCER THERAPY MEETING 2024

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.

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Precision medicine and personalized therapies in cancer involve tailoring treatments based on a patient’s unique genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. By analyzing genetic mutations and biomarkers, these approaches enable targeted therapies and adaptive treatment plans, aiming to improve efficacy and minimize side effects.


Translational research accelerates the process of turning lab discoveries into real-world cancer treatments by conducting clinical trials and developing biomarkers. 

Anti-cancer drug discovery involves identifying and developing novel compounds that specifically target cancer cells or their supporting mechanisms. This process includes high-throughput screening, understanding drug mechanisms, and advancing promising candidates through rigorous preclinical and clinical testing to ensure they effectively treat cancer with minimal side effects.


Cancer diagnostics and emerging technologies leverage innovations such as liquid biopsies, advanced imaging techniques, and AI-driven analyses to improve early detection and precise diagnosis. These advancements enhance the ability to monitor tumor dynamics, tailor treatments, and ultimately improve patient outcomes through more personalized and timely interventions.


Cancer screening aims to identify cancer at an early, more treatable stage in asymptomatic individuals using methods like mammograms, colonoscopies, and low-dose CT scans. Early detection through screening improves the likelihood of successful treatment and survival by catching cancers before they progress.


Cancer treatment involves a combination of therapies such as surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. The choice of treatment depends on the cancer type, stage, and individual patient factors, aiming to eliminate cancer cells while minimizing harm to healthy tissue.


Cancer prevention and early detection combine lifestyle modifications, preventive vaccinations, and cutting-edge screening techniques to reduce risk and identify cancer at its most manageable stage. This proactive approach enhances the ability to intercept cancer early, optimizing treatment outcomes and improving survival rates.


Advanced therapies in cancer, including targeted therapies, immunotherapy, and CAR-T cell therapy, harness cutting-edge technologies to precisely attack cancer cells while sparing healthy tissue. These innovative treatments offer personalized approaches, significantly improving efficacy and minimizing side effects.


Cancer genomics and epigenetics examine genetic mutations and epigenetic changes that influence tumor development and progression. This research enables the creation of targeted therapies and personalized treatment strategies by revealing how these molecular alterations drive cancer, leading to more effective and tailored therapeutic options.


Gynecologic cancer prevention and control blend proactive measures such as HPV vaccination, strategic screenings, and tailored lifestyle adjustments to combat cancers like cervical, ovarian, and endometrial. This multifaceted approach not only reduces risk but also empowers early detection and targeted intervention, enhancing overall care and outcomes.


Cancer immunology studies the complex interactions between the immune system and cancer cells, aiming to harness immune responses to target and destroy tumors. This field drives the development of immunotherapies that enhance the body’s natural defenses, offering promising new approaches to cancer treatment.

Cancer vaccines are designed to activate the immune system to recognize and combat cancer cells. Preventive vaccines, such as the HPV vaccine, protect against virus-induced cancers, while therapeutic vaccines stimulate an immune response against existing tumors. These innovative approaches aim to reduce cancer incidence and improve treatment outcomes by leveraging the body's natural defense mechanisms.


Drug resistance in cancer occurs when cancer cells adapt to evade the effects of treatment, complicating therapy. Overcoming this challenge involves strategies like combination therapies, which use multiple drugs to target different pathways, and personalized medicine, which tailors treatments based on the genetic makeup of the tumor, aiming to outmaneuver resistance mechanisms and improve patient outcomes.


Ethical and regulatory issues in cancer research focus on securing informed patient consent, protecting data confidentiality, and ensuring fair access to experimental treatments. Adhering to these principles is vital for ethical integrity, maintaining trust, and facilitating the responsible development of new cancer therapies.


Cancer genomics and metabolomics analyze genetic mutations and metabolic changes in tumors to guide personalized treatment. By mapping these alterations, researchers can develop targeted therapies and refine treatment strategies to more effectively combat cancer based on its unique molecular profile.


Innovations in cancer data and informatics leverage advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence and big data analytics, to improve cancer research and therapy. These tools enhance data integration, uncover patterns, and drive personalized treatment strategies, optimizing outcomes through more precise and informed decision-making.


Cell-based therapy involves using modified or engineered cells, such as CAR-T cells, to target and kill cancer cells with high specificity. By reprogramming immune cells or introducing new cell types, this innovative approach aims to enhance the body’s natural ability to fight cancer, leading to more effective and personalized treatment options.


Advancements in cancer research and therapy include breakthroughs in targeted treatments, immunotherapy, and precision medicine, which personalize care based on genetic and molecular profiles. These innovations are improving early detection, treatment efficacy, and patient outcomes by addressing the complexities of cancer more effectively.


Advances in supportive care and symptom management focus on improving the quality of life for cancer patients through innovative approaches like targeted pain relief, nutritional support, and psychological care. These advancements aim to alleviate treatment side effects, manage symptoms effectively, and provide holistic support throughout the cancer journey.


The microbiome's role in cancer research explores how gut and body bacteria influence tumor development, treatment response, and immune system interactions. Understanding these microbial impacts can lead to new therapeutic strategies and enhance the effectiveness of existing cancer treatments.