Call for Abstract

32nd Experts Meet On Cancer Therapy & Immuno Oncology, will be organized around the theme “Overcoming any issues between Past, Current and Future Prospects of Cancer Therapies”

CANCER THERAPY MEETING 2021 is comprised of 15 tracks and 40 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in CANCER THERAPY MEETING 2021.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Cancer is the abnormal growth of cells, which may be benign or malignant that spreads or occupy near-by tissues. As these tumors grow, some of the cancer cells break and move to distant places in the body through circulating fluids (blood & lymph). Uncontrollable growth of cells and division which they get easily invaded in to other cells or tissues of the body resulting in modifying a healthy cell to cancer cells. The agents that cause cancer are said to be carcinogens. The cancer cells present in the body do not die and leading to formation of excess cancer cells in the body resulting in forming mass of tissue, called tumor. Benign tumors don’t invade or spread to other tissues. In case of malignant tumors these invade and spread to other parts of the body rapidly.

  • Track 1-1Carcinogens
  • Track 1-2Benign tumors
  • Track 1-3Malignant tumors

The most prevalent cancers in the world by comparing to the men and women are lung cancer is the most prevalent cancer of all the cancers. The most common cancers occurring in men are lung cancer, prostate cancer and Colo-rectal cancers occupying about 43% of the cancers occurring in men. The other common cancers in men are stomach and liver cancers. In case of women most common cancer in the world is breast cancer of about 25% of cancers that are occurring in women are breast cancers. Next to the breast cancer Colo-rectal cancer, lung cancer and cervical cancer are most prevalent in women. The common reason behind cancer is physical carcinogens, chemical carcinogens and biological carcinogens. Usage of tobacco and alcohol consumption is the main common cause of lung cancer.

  • Track 2-1Prostate cancer
  • Track 2-2Colo-rectal cancer
  • Track 2-3Cervical cancer

Stage of cancer can be described by the extent of growth of cancer and based on size of cancer. Stage of cancer can be found be found by performing the tests. By these tests we can know even the extent of spread of cancer and how far it has spread to other adjacent organs. Staging of cancer should be clearly understood by the doctor so that the type of treatment to be given could be easily known. If the cancer is present at only one place then treatment like surgery or radiotherapy is sufficient to get rid of cancer completely. If there is spread of cancer to adjacent organs, then the treatment to be given in such a way that it circulates the whole body. There will not be correct identification of cancer sometimes then doctors check the lymph nodes present near to the cancer for the presence of cancer cells, it is the sign that indicates that the cancer has begun to develop I body.
T determines the size of cancer and how far cancer has spread to the adjacent tissues, in this there are 4 stages based on their increasing order.
N determines the spread of cancer to lymph nodes, in this there are 3 stages starting with 0 to 3 in which 0stage is the absence of cancer cells in lymph nodes and 3 stage is presence of cancer cells in the lymph nodes.
M stage is to determine the spread of cancer to other parts of the body it can either be 0 or 1.

  • Track 3-1TNM system
  • Track 3-2Number system

Changes that occur in DNA with in the cells leads to cancer. DNA present in the cell is packed into huge number of individual genes; each of the individual genes contains a set of instructions that are to be performed by the cell. If the changes occur in the instructions, then it alters the cell function and makes the cell cancerous.

Gene mutations can direct a healthy cell to

  •  Allow rapid growth
  •  Fail to stop uncontrolled cell growth
  •  Make mistakes while repairing DNA errors

Changes in behavioral and environmental characters also cause changes in the body’s cells which converts the healthy cells to cancer cells. 90-95% cancers are due to environmental factors and some cancers are due to inherited genetics. Cancers are also caused due to changes in the life style, economic and behavioral characters and due to pollution. Environmental factors that contribute to increase mortality rate of cancer patients includes tobacco, diet and obesity, infections, radiation, stress, lack of physical activity and pollution. Agents that have been linked to cause of cancers are said to be carcinogens. About 90% of lung cancers are due to smoking. Tobacco smoke also causes cancer in larynx, head, neck, stomach, bladder, kidney, esophagus and pancreas. Lung cancer and mesothelioma also can be caused due to inhaling tobacco smoke, asbestos fibers and leukemia from exposure to benzene. Absence of physical activity also contributes to causing cancer not only due to body weight also due to effects of immune system & endocrine system. I take of high salt food leads to gastric cancer. 18% of cancer deaths are due to infectious diseases. Human papilloma virus causes cervical cancer and hepatitis B and C virus causes hepatocellular carcinoma. 10% of cancers are due to exposure to radiation like ionizing radiation and non-ionizing ultraviolet radiation.

  • Track 4-1Allow rapid growth
  • Track 4-2Fail to stop uncontrolled cell growth
  • Track 4-3Make mistakes while repairing DNA errors

Signs and symptoms of cancers depend on the type of organ affected, size of the tumor and extent of cancer invaded. As the size of the tumor increases it pushes the nearby organs, tissues, blood vessels and nerves. Signs and symptoms of cancer cannot be found out every time, it depends on the type of organ affected, and some of the organs affected by cancer don’t show any signs and symptoms. Cancer in pancreas doesn’t show any signs and symptoms till most of the organ is affected and has even invaded the adjacent organs. Tumors may grow around the bile duct and resist the flow of bile. Then signs and symptoms include eyes and skin looks yellow. By that time of detection of pancreatic cancer, it would be in an advanced stage.

Some of the signs and symptoms of the cancer includes

  • Track 5-1Unusual lump or swelling anywhere
  • Track 5-2Difficult in swallowing
  • Track 5-3Breathlessness

Natural medicine aims to restore body’s ability to protect, regulate and heal itself. This looks at your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. It is also called as phytomedicinephytotherapy or botanical therapy. Alternative therapy that is followed by the cancer patients is herbal medicine. The physical examinations done by herbalists are,

  • Feeling pulse
  • Blood pressure
  • Examining skin and nails
  • Feeling abdomen
  • Looking at tongue
  • Track 6-1Phytotherapy
  • Track 6-2Botanical therapy
  • Track 6-3Phytomedicine

Cancer can be managed based on stage of cancer, extent of spread of cancer and performance of cancer patient. Cancer treatment is the complete uptake of cancer from the body without showing affect to rest of the organs in the body. The treatment programs are those:

  • Those are provided in equitable and sustainable way
  • Those are linked to early detection and accurate diagnosis and staging
  • To adhere to evidence-based standards of care.

For the effective therapy the treatment programs should ensure timely and equitable access. Critical step in the management of cancer is to establish the diagnosis based on pathological examination. Tumor sample can be achieved by biopsy or aspiration which may also require an intervention such as image guided procedure or endoscopy.

  • Track 7-1Early detection and accurate diagnosis and staging
  • Track 7-2Evidence-based standards of care
  • Track 7-3Equitable and sustainable way

There are various types of nurse care associated with cancer treatments. Authority medical attendants, Ward   medical care takers, Community medical care takers, Specialist palliative care medical attendants, Marie Curie Cancer Care Nurses. Authority attendants work primarily in doctor's facilities; however, some give mind in the patient's home. They may have some expertise in a particular malignancy for instance bosom, lung, head and neck disease, or a specific treatment, for instance chemotherapy. Community attendants give an extensive variety of nursing care including helping patients when they leave clinic, taking out fastens, wiping wounds and giving out some prescription at home. Authority palliative care medical care takers have skill in overseeing torment and different manifestations and can offer help for individuals with growth and their families

The propelled Oncology Nurse is ace's readied nurture with learning and limit in a scope of danger nursing. Every single medicinal overseer moves along a path from students to ace. It is seen that, paying little regard to paying little mind to the likelihood that a generalist, particular oncology or pushed Oncology Nurse, each individual therapeutic chaperon will experience along these lines from beginners to ace.

  • Track 8-1Authority medical attendants
  • Track 8-2Community medical care takers
  • Track 8-3Specialist palliative care medical attendants

Molecular pathology is an emerging discipline within pathology which is concentrated in the study and conclusion of ailment through the examination of molecules within organs, tissues or bodily fluids. Molecular pathology imparts a few parts of practice with drug development, disease management strategies and is sometimes considered a crossover discipline. It is multi-disciplinary in nature and concentrates primarily on the sub-minute parts of diseases. A key consideration is that more accurate diagnosis is possible when the diagnosis is based on both the morphologic changes in tissues and on molecular testing of diseases like cancer.

  • Track 9-1Drug development
  • Track 9-2Disease management

Epigenetics deals with the study of heritable changes in gene, that does not include changes to the basic DNA arrangement — an adjustment in phenotype without an adjustment in genotype — which influences how cells read the genes.  The study of epigenetic modifications to the Cancer cells genome is called Cancer Epigenetics, that does not bring a change in the nucleotide sequence.

Risk expectation and prediction and Cancer prevention, growth counteractive action is also promising and encouraging areas of Epigenetics.

A high adequacy of demethylating agents were accounted for essentially in hematological malignancies in view of new conventions with low dose and long exposure, and their utilization is presently being striven for strong tumors.
During the cell’s transformation to Cancerous cell, Epigenetic modifications are also more important like genetic mutations. Their manipulation brings a great promising approach to for preventing, detecting and treatment of cancer

  • Track 10-1Heritable changes in gene
  • Track 10-2DNA arrangement
  • Track 10-3Nucleotide sequence

Surgery is the removal of tumor and the adjacent tissues affected with tumor at a time. Surgical oncologist is a person who specializes in treating cancer using surgery. There are goals for the cancer surgery they include,

  • To diagnose cancer
  • To remove some or all the cancer
  • To find out where the cancer is located
  • To find out the cancer has spread or is affecting the functions of other organs in the body
  • To restore the body’s appearance or function
  • To relieve side effects

For most of the cancers, biopsy is only the way to make a definitive diagnosis. At the time of surgical biopsy, the surgeon makes a cut called incision on the skin. The 2 main surgical biopsies include

1. An incisional biopsy- it is removal of piece of suspicious area for examination.

2. An excisional biopsy- it is the removal of entire suspicious area, such as mole or a lump.

After the biopsy a pathologist uses a microscope to examine the tissue removed and does laboratory tests for evaluating cells, tissues and organs to diagnose disease and provide a pathology report to the oncologist or the surgeon who performs the diagnosis.

  • Track 11-1Biopsy
  • Track 11-2An incisional biopsy
  • Track 11-3An excisional biopsy

Robotic surgery is a type of minimally invasive surgery. “Minimally invasive” means that instead of operating on patients through large incisions, we use miniaturized surgical instruments that fit through a series of quarter-inch incisions. Cancer Sciences and Robotic Systems are very closely associated as the robotic technology enables the radiation oncologists to deliver high doses of radiation with pinpoint accuracy to a broad range of tumors throughout the body, including the lungs, prostate and pancreas.

When performing surgery with the da Vinci Si—the world’s most advanced surgical robot—these miniaturized instruments are mounted on three separate robotic arms, allowing the surgeon maximum range of motion and precision. The da Vinci’s fourth arm contains a magnified high-definition 3-D camera that guides the surgeon during the procedure. The system’s sophisticated software allows for tracking of the tumor and the ability to continually adjust the radiation treatment to account for patient or tumor movement.

  • Track 12-1Minimally invasive Surgery
  • Track 12-2da Vinci Si—the world’s most advanced surgical robot

Recovery mechanical autonomy is a field of research devoted to comprehension and expanding restoration using automated gadgets. Restoration apply autonomy incorporates advancement of automated gadgets custom fitted for helping distinctive sensorimotor functions, improvement of various plans of helping remedial training, and evaluation of sensorimotor execution of patient; robots are utilized principally as treatment helps rather than assistive devices. Rehabilitation utilizing mechanical technology is by and large all around endured by patients and has been observed to be a successful subordinate to treatment in people experiencing engine weaknesses, particularly because of stroke. Restoration mechanical technology can be viewed as a particular concentration of biomedical building, and a piece of human-robot connection. In this field, clinicians, specialists, and architects work together to help restore patients. Conspicuous objectives in the field include: creating implementable advances that can be effectively utilized by patients, specialists, and clinicians; improving the viability of clinician's treatments; and expanding the simplicity of exercises in the day by day lives of patients.

  • Track 13-1Rehabilitation
  • Track 13-2Restoration mechanical technology

High- energy radiation is used in radiation therapy in order to shrink (reduce) the cancer cells or kill the cancer cells. X-rays, gamma rays and charged particles are the radiations used for cancer treatment. Radiation is sent to the body externally called external-beam radiation therapy and if the radiation comes from radioactive material placed in the body near cancer cells it is called internal radiation therapy or brachytherapy. Radioactive iodine that travels in the blood to cancer cells is systemic radiation therapy. More than half the amounts of people receive radiation therapy sometime at the course of treatment. Radiation therapy is done by damaging the DNA of cancer cells, in which it can damage the DNA directly or create free radicals within the cells that can in-turn damage the DNA.

Radiation oncologist’s plans a patient’s treatment through a process called treatment planning, that begin with simulation. At the time of simulation detailed imaging scans show the location of the patient’s tumors and the normal adjacent areas. There is different scanning equipment for treatment planning in radiation therapy.

  • Track 14-1High- energy radiation
  • Track 14-2Simulation

Immunotherapy also said to be biologic therapy is a cancer treatment designed to boost the immune system to fight against cancer. It uses substances that are in the body or in the laboratory to improve or restore immune system function.

Types of immunotherapy includes

When there is any entry of foreign organism in to our body then body’s immune system detects the harmful organism and produces antibodies. Antibodies fight against infection. Monoclonal antibodies can be made in the laboratory. Monoclonal antibodies can be used for targeted therapy to block an abnormal protein in cancer cell.

  • Track 15-1Oncolytic virus therapy
  • Track 15-2Cancer vaccines
  • Track 15-3Monoclonal antibodies